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Friday, January 20, 2012

CommView for WiFi Plus a Pack of Aircrack-ng 1.1 For Windows Its A Good Juice

First step of the was is downloading the programs best suited for you many choose Wireshark but I prefer CommView for WiFi and the you have to download Aircrack-ng depending on your OS there are two different type one for windows and another one for Linux you can download it hear [Aircrack-ng]. But remeber this is for WEP key inscription method a more easy inscription for WPA you have to obtain a handshake and a wordlist as well and get it granted. This is important because with both programs you can run them on windows and it will be much easier if you’re a beginner. But if you use Linux it is more complicated because you’re using Linux Kernel.

Step 2 is having a compatible WiFi card from my point off view using CommView for WiFi it automatically finds the rite wireless software updated. After that has been done you have to check if your card is 802.11a/b/g the type off WLAN traffic supported or it can be a USB antenna. Al the step is important because this you have to have a compatible card in order to capture the packets and to be able to sniff other nets works and well.

Step 3 run CommView for WiFi and click on the button that says Start Scanning on the right bottom it as for the channel click 11 and go down to the right and when you have a WEP network capture it. You have to wait until it gives you a full scan off all the net work that are close to your area, in the left of the screen it will show the name the host & Access Point plus the Signal as well. The more signal you have the more of the packets you will get and faster. The packets carry the key scripted in for the network that your trying to get, save the files as a Airdump.cap on the logg folder.

Step 4 after you get about 100,000 - 500,000 ivs packets you run the program called Aircrack-ng in the bin folder. It will ask you to brows for the file saved as airdump.cap file and you collect all that  associated with the network and you click WEP if it a WEP network, you lcikc launch and it will attomaticly open a CMD promp windows and follow the instructions on the screen. after that you will obtain your key it take time to scan all the IVS some times it ask for more IVS and you have to capture more depeding if it ask you to you follow step 3 again have fun, because learning is not a harm.

Link One
Link Two

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't capture handshake packets in CommView how to do ?

i need password.lst more where can i download for window?