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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mac OS X Infected

           What a surprise Mac OS X is venerable to a Trojan virus who would of thought that,its very suspense to Mac users. Security researchers have discover a new variant, they called it the Tsunami Trojan that's targeting Mac OS. The Trojan virus works as following, as the Mac run the Trojan runs DDoS(Distribution Denial-of-Service) attack.
Image Detail
Command Line
                           The attacks makes your computer turn into a BOT, Security firm ASET made a discovery about a similar  treated that pose Mac computer. The problem with the new version is its similar to the previous version but with two important differences, the first difference the treat has it implements persistence on and infected system, by this cause it updates the command and control information.
             The second differences the trojan has from the previous version of it, it identifies in the new binary and executes a new command and with this process it controls the IRC server and IRC channel.But don't be afraid the red flag hasn't gone up the risk is limited as the threat doestn have the sophistication or complexity as other threat Duqu.The resond for the is we see less malware for Mac OS X than we do for windows users, people believe the OSX/Tasunami is currently at a low stage.
              But the mistory still remains its clear that someone is creating and spending their time developing the new version of this code, to attack Mac platforms. It concludes that Mac computers have threats of their own be safe when your search the web you might fine the unexpected and if you feel your computer is acting up or having symptoms of a BOT contact Apple Support for help, Search Away Safe.

Image Detail
IRC server

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