Search Engine

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

LOIC Sweet Tool For Every One Who Loves The Web

                 Low Orbit Ion Cannon a child play tool know by many uses by wise one. It’s a powerful tool for Distributed Denial-of-Service what does that means people ask? One main person attacks with a powerful blast to the server  and shut it down but other join like bot net to make the website shut down as well have a more powerful impact tours the web server, their for this can be control by a central user. But the more users aiming at one certain website can cause destruction and make the whole network more affective. But it gives the hackers a control of your computer by choice? But because LOIC client is an open source, the chances of a virus or a backdoor into your own system could be a hidden payload is minimal. It’s a very affective tool even do if you don’t know how to hack, just by downloading a copy of LOIC (available for windows, Mac, Linux as well). During the process you punch in the URL of the website you want to test your skills or the IP address and zap you have your self a target. On its own a computer rarely generates a small amount of TCP, UDP, Or HTTP request at one to shut down a server garbage request can be easily ignored wile legit request for the web page can respond to as normal. 
Image Detail                 But thousands of user run LOIC at once, the wave of request multiply by many becoming to many for the server to request that it becomes overwhelming often shutting a web server down or one of its connection machines for example a database server down completely or preventing legitimate request for being respond. Their different type of attacks option people use their under the method box located in the attack option, as well as the threads set to 100000 or 500000. Now after that you can change the speed you want it to go from slower to fastest and your own customizes TCP/UDP message. After you target the URL or IP address multiple IP address will load if you target a website, then you move to attack options and then put your preferences and your desire then you HIT the big boy button that looks like this “ IMMA CHAGIN MAH LAZER “  and it will fire your cannon at the website but remember you need multiple users at ones, their a column that shows attack status it will show the progress of your DDOS attack going. Have fun, knowledge is free we have the freedom to speak enjoy your tools out their in the internet, but I’m not responsible for your action.

Knowledge Is Free
We The People
Have Knowledge Not Ignorance’s

Download Link
Download Link
Password --> drowssap


Monday, January 23, 2012

Useful Resources

Check if the website your visiting is down or its just you computer. Very useful when you have a doubt about a certain website not functioning with you you can clear that doubt by visiting this link.

Check what type of server your website is running gives you a complete information line if their is information about that website visit Netcraft Uptime Survey.

Friday, January 20, 2012

CommView for WiFi Plus a Pack of Aircrack-ng 1.1 For Windows Its A Good Juice

First step of the was is downloading the programs best suited for you many choose Wireshark but I prefer CommView for WiFi and the you have to download Aircrack-ng depending on your OS there are two different type one for windows and another one for Linux you can download it hear [Aircrack-ng]. But remeber this is for WEP key inscription method a more easy inscription for WPA you have to obtain a handshake and a wordlist as well and get it granted. This is important because with both programs you can run them on windows and it will be much easier if you’re a beginner. But if you use Linux it is more complicated because you’re using Linux Kernel.

Step 2 is having a compatible WiFi card from my point off view using CommView for WiFi it automatically finds the rite wireless software updated. After that has been done you have to check if your card is 802.11a/b/g the type off WLAN traffic supported or it can be a USB antenna. Al the step is important because this you have to have a compatible card in order to capture the packets and to be able to sniff other nets works and well.

Step 3 run CommView for WiFi and click on the button that says Start Scanning on the right bottom it as for the channel click 11 and go down to the right and when you have a WEP network capture it. You have to wait until it gives you a full scan off all the net work that are close to your area, in the left of the screen it will show the name the host & Access Point plus the Signal as well. The more signal you have the more of the packets you will get and faster. The packets carry the key scripted in for the network that your trying to get, save the files as a Airdump.cap on the logg folder.

Step 4 after you get about 100,000 - 500,000 ivs packets you run the program called Aircrack-ng in the bin folder. It will ask you to brows for the file saved as airdump.cap file and you collect all that  associated with the network and you click WEP if it a WEP network, you lcikc launch and it will attomaticly open a CMD promp windows and follow the instructions on the screen. after that you will obtain your key it take time to scan all the IVS some times it ask for more IVS and you have to capture more depeding if it ask you to you follow step 3 again have fun, because learning is not a harm.

Link One
Link Two

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

BackTrack 5 Linux Sneak In Your Friends Computer

BackTrack 5
        The inspiration from the quote "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear". You want to know what you friend, you want to stop paying for internet BackTrack 5 does the trick. Its a fascinating tool in terms of hacking it is a Linux base security platform . It a Linux command base that aid computer security professional but flowing in the hacking environmental for others to. You can boot BackTrack 5 from a live thunbdrive or a live CD, its kernel base configuration the script and patches are for the purpose to have the best purpose for the penetration tester.

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WPA Password with ReaverTools Needed
BackTrack 3,4,5 Live CD
Wireless card work with most laptop cards, however it is not guarantee a full compatibility.(Prefer a Alfa AWUS036h a,b,g,c Wi-Fi certified.) 
A Near Wi-Fi WPA
Patient to crack the wireless code

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WPA Password with Reaver
Lets Get Cracking
Step 1: Boot into BackTrack Live CD 

To boot up from BackTrack Live CD, just put it in the CD  in the CD drive and start your computer. During the boot proces BackTrack will promt to choose a boot mood. Select "BackTrack Text" and click enter.

Step 2: Connect Wi-Fi Adapter Or Wireless Card Compatible 

Image DetailIf its a Alfa AWUS036h a,b,g,c Wi-Fi certified usb wi-fi antenna plug it in the usb slot. Or if its a compatible wireless card you can check you wireless card hear at [Airmon-ng].

Step 3: Open The Terminal

Then type the following commands. This commands will let you obtain the networks around you area as well as the MAC address and their Wi-Fi card name .

Step 3: Open The Terminal

   1) Then type the following commands. This commands will let you obtain the networks around you area as well as the MAC address and their Wi-Fi card name .

airmon-ng stop [Wi-Fi Card name(without the quotes)]

macchanger –mac [Desired MAC address] [Wi-Fi card name]

2) Once you have set up all the parameters off the wireless network you need to start to sniff and dump data packets in order to get the key. You can do so by using following commands.
 On the command console type these commands.

airmon-ng start [Wi-Fi Card name]

airodump-ng [Wi-Fi card name]

Copy and paste the BSSID in the following command and execute it

airodump-ng –c [Channel Number] –w [Desired Filename for later decryption] --bssid [BSSID] [Wi-Fi Card name]

Then when the code has been decoded your keey will be shown like this thats when you know it has been crack enjoy . 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dual-boot Linux Mint and Windows 7

                     Dual-booting between a GNU/Linux distribution and Windows on a computer with one or more hard disks is a common practice for those who use both operating systems. Both operating systems will run smoothly no matter if they are install in the same disk it doesn't affect how they boot or run in any matter. Both operating system have their own boot loader to boot up the system file and run properly, but they have different disk partion. But that don't make operating system run slower or make one work worst both have their isolated memory for example i have Linux Mint 11 and Windows 7 install in a 40 GB HDD, they both run smoothly with no corruptions or freezing. I'm going to demonstrated you how you can make Dual-boot from Linux Mint and Windows 7. Linux Mint is free you can download it hear 
                      When configuring dual-booting on a single hard disk, the most important decision you will have to make is whether you want to install GRUB 2, the Linux Mint 11 boot loader, in the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the disk, so that when the computer boots, you will see this following screen. I will post a video demonstrating you can install both Operating systems.
Linux Mint & Windows 7 Boot loader
           To begin, boot into Windows 7, type partitions in the menu’s search filed. That will start the disk management application shown here. You can see that there are two partitions  the System Reserved, and the C drive. The first task is to create space for Linux Mint 11 by shrinking the C drive.
        To do that, right-click anywhere on the drive and select “Shrink Volume” to partitions space for Linux Mint.
      The disk management tool will always shrink the disk by half unless there is data in more than half of the disk. 
       After the surgical operation is complete. The Unallocated space on the disk is where Linux Mint 11 will be installed. Exit the disk management application, insert Linux Mint 11 installation CD or DVD and reboot the computer.
           As it boots up you will see the boot menu depending on witch Linux Mint version you have but most look like this. Linux Mint 11 is a Live CD/DVD, and you can only start installation from the Live environment. So now you press Enter on the keyboard.

After this step follow the instruction ask, when it detects another different operating system it will ask you if you want to install alongside Windows 7 or install on whole disk and the other option is other its for advance tool partitions for windows. 

Windows 7
Linux Mint